Information on your GS domain Print

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Welcome to your .gs Domain Control Panel

We hope you find this control panel easy to use, here are a few notes to help you:

  • Choose "Domains>My Domains" from the menu above to get a list of the domains you currently have registered with us.
  • Once you are on the "My Domains" screen click the checkbox next to the domain you want to manage
  • Then use the "With Selected" drop down menu item to manage the domain property you wish (e.g. setting Name Servers or Editing Contact details).

Keep the following in mind:

Name Servers
Once you have external Name Servers setup you can use the "Domains>My Domains>With Selected" option to apply them to your domain. We do not currently offer a Name Server or mail forwarding product with domains.

The public whois information on your domain can be viewed from the Domain>Whois Lookup menu item or from this link:

The AuthCode is needed if you wish to transfer a domain.
This link allows you to reset the AuthCode for a domain and have it emailed to the listed Registrant and Administrative Contacts

If you need any other help or information use the "Open Ticket" menu item above. Tickets are tracked and are recommended. 
You can also email the .gs Helpdesk directly at

Thank you for registering your domain with us.

Kind regards

The .gs Helpdesk Team.

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